calorie — [ kalɔri ] n. f. • 1824; lat. calor → chaleur 1 ♦ Métrol. Ancienne unité de mesure de quantité de chaleur (abrév. cal), valant 4,184 joules. vx Petite calorie : calorie. Grande calorie : 1 000 calories. ⇒ kilocalorie. 2 ♦ Unité de mesure de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Calorie — (unité) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cal … Wikipédia en Français
calorie — CALORÍE, calorii, s.f. Unitate de măsură egală cu cantitatea de căldură care ridică temperatura unui gram de apă distilată de la 19,5 la 20,5 °C; unitate de măsură care indică valoarea energetică a unui aliment. ♢ (fiz.) Calorie mare =… … Dicționar Român
calorie — [kal′ə rē] n. [Fr < L calor, heat; akin to calere, to be warm < IE base * kel , warm > OE hlēowe, warm] 1. the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree celsius; gram calorie; small calorie 2.… … English World dictionary
calorie — 1866, from Fr. calorie, from L. calor (gen. caloris) heat, from PIE *kle os , suffixed form of root *kele (1) warm (Cf. L. calidus warm, calere be hot; Skt. carad harvest, lit. hot time; Lith. silti … Etymology dictionary
calorie — ► NOUN (pl. calories) 1) (also large calorie) a unit of energy, often used in specifying the energy value of foods, equal to the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C (4.1868 kilojoules). 2) (also small… … English terms dictionary
Calorie — Cal o*rie, n. [F., fr. L. calor heat.] (Physics) The unit of heat according to the French standard; the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (sometimes, one gram) of water one degree centigrade, or from 0[deg] to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calorie — This article is about the unit of energy. For its use in nutrition and food labelling regulations, see the article on food energy. The calorie is a pre SI unit of energy, in particular, heat.International Standard ISO 31 4: Quantities and units – … Wikipedia
calorie — /kal euh ree/, n. 1. Thermodynam. a. Also called gram calorie, small calorie. an amount of heat exactly equal to 4.1840 joules. Abbr.: cal b. (usually cap.) kilocalorie. Abbr.: Cal 2. Physiol. a. a unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to express… … Universalium
Calorie — A unit of food energy. In nutrition terms, the word calorie is used instead of the more precise scientific term kilocalorie. A kilocalorie represents the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a liter of water one degree centigrade … Medical dictionary